Saturday, March 1, 2014


This article is directed to Christians. The rest of you are welcome to listen in, but there is a reason that this letter is addressed specifically to Christians.

Among several other severe crises, we have a huge illegal immigration problem. I'm going to speak in generalities now, so don't accuse me of being racist. I'm not including all illegal immigrants under the following description. But when you see a pattern repeated year after year, and intensifying, it is appropriate and useful to speak in generalities.

Many illegal immigrants are criminals. Some are terrorists from Mideastern countries. Many are not all that civilized. Many do not have any intention of assimilating. They bring with them elements of their culture that are dangerous, harmful, unpleasant, repellent. They bring with them lice and bedbugs. They take from and do not contribute to our society. (With the eager assistance of democrats.)

They often, of necessity, drive without insurance or driver's license. They're often dangerous drivers, because they've never or rarely driven a car before coming to America. Some rob, rape, assault, and murder Americans. Some are members of deadly gangs like MS13. Many live outside the law completely, except for the benefits they sign up for. A law enforcement officer told me that Latinos often rent one address and live at another. That way they are never home when law enforcement comes calling. Groups of "American citizens" like La Raza are extremely hostile to white Americans, and have become bolder and more openly threatening as the percentage of Latinos in their area increases.

I could go on. You get my point. There are good reasons to fear illegal immigrants and illegal immigration. Another reason is their sheer numbers. Estimates range from 10 million to 40 million. They are drowning our culture by their numbers. "Press one for English."

So what do we do? As regular Scoopers know, I have been one of those who advocate sealing the border and deporting every illegal alien, along with anchor
babies and chain immigrants. You broke the law, tough luck, you're outta here.

But a different thought occurred forcefully to me last night as I was talking to a friend. This friend is an ESL teacher, and has contact with at least one illegal alien who is in difficult circumstances. She was describing this particluar illegal's story. I've heard this kind of story before. A lot of illegal aliens aren't criminals. They were living lives of desperation and fear and severe deprivation, and they risked their lives to escape. They are doing very much the same thing my ancestors did. They just want to live in safety, to have enough to eat, to have hope for the future.

We react out of fear - reasonable fear, a just fear - and we consult only our human resources, and we come up with ... another Civil War?

Would we win?

It's not just the millions of illegals we'd have to fight. It's also DHS with their 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and their assault rifles, most law enforcement officers, most of the military that happens to be stateside, and the army of snitches and collaborators the socialist 47% would provide. And the drones and the communications network.

And a contemptible, detestable tyrant in the White House who for five years has been trying to provoke a war with the Right so he can get rid of us swiftly and permanently, and establish himself as the 12th Imam.

We are also carrying the guilt of fifty million babies murdered in their mothers' wombs, and many other sins multiplied many thousand times over. Guilt does matter, folks. Unrepented sins or innocence decide whether God helps and protects a nation or not.

I'm an old man with no dependents. It's easy for me to be defiant and go out shooting. I would prefer that to any other way that I can think of.

That I can think of.

Is there no other way to deal with the problem of illegal immigrants and immigration?

What about God's way?

You don't know what God's way is? Neither do I. Have you asked Him?

Honestly, I don't want to ask Him. But how can I not? I am a Christian. He is my God. Frankly, I could use a little support here, brothers and sisters.

I'm afraid He'll answer, and His answer will be something I don't like. Such as,
"If, however, any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon or bow its neck under his yoke, I will punish that nation with the sword, famine and plague, declares the Lord, until I destroy it by his hand. So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your interpreters of dreams, your mediums or your sorcerers who tell you, ‘You will not serve the king of Babylon.’ They prophesy lies to you that will only serve to remove you far from your lands; I will banish you and you will perish. But if any nation will bow its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will let that nation remain in its own land to till it and to live there, declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 27:12-15; emphasis added)

I'm a man. I'm an American man. The idea of submission to invaders is repulsive to me. Words like "quisling", "girly-man", and "coward" come to mind. But God is infinite in power and wisdom. He can easily do things we can't imagine in ways we would never think of.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21; emphasis added)

I think that phrase "to Him be glory "in the church" means, "God to Church: you have a responsibility as Christians to glorify My Son and Myself, even in the dangerous and discomforting situation you are in now."

These thoughts may be just an echo in my brain. One Christian with an idea may be just an idiot. But if it is God Who is communicating the idea, it seems to me that other believers should be thinking along the same lines:
"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:19-20)

If any of you have been spoken to by the Holy Spirit about this, I would appreciate hearing from you. But don't delay. The math and the clock are against us.
I'm listening. Anyone?
Posted by Lawngren 3/1/ 2014