Friday, September 12, 2014

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12)


The 2014 midterm election is fast approaching and soon we will be bombarded by ads on TV, radio and every other media source. Most of the polls predict a GOP takeover of the Senate and part of me cheers this possibility. However, the answers to our nation’s problems lie not in DC but in an Awakening of the hearts and minds of the people.

At this point in time taking our country back is going to involve more than electing a new House and Senate. It is not enough to elect conservative politicians and then throw them to the wolves in the media, the DC culture and the corruption therein. It is also not sufficient to call and write our elected officials to encourage them to do the “Right” thing. It is going to require prayer, and lots of it, to turn our nation back to God, the US Constitution, the rule of law and America’s founding principles.

Since President Obama has taken office the world has become a more dangerous place because of his failed foreign policy. Our nation is also deeper in debt than it has ever been and with Obamacare and our porous southern border we are digging a hole so deep it will take generations to recover. On the social front some are using the courts in an attempt to deny Christians our God given liberty and right of free speech. The hope and change we were promised has become hell and chaos and the America we have known and loved has become more difficult to recognize.

With America having forfeited her leadership role in the world some are wondering if this nation can recover while others ask if God can be restored to His rightful place. The answer is yes! With the Lord all things are possible and it is in Him we have unlimited wisdom to turn any situation to His glory and for our good. As I have often said the Lord has an answer to everything because He, the Almighty, All Powerful God of Heaven and Earth is ever our answer.

It is easy to become frustrated by the evil we see, the many issues affecting our nation and how the failing economy has affected our families. It is also easy to forget who we are and whom we serve. Distraction is one of Satan’s favorite tools to keep us occupied elsewhere rather than focused on Kingdom business. Jesus said: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV)  It is when we focus on the Lord and on His plan He shows us the way to solve not only our nation’s ills but our own problems.

It is easy to attribute our nation’s ills to people, political parties and government policies and they are responsible in their own right. However, as Christians we must also remember we have a supernatural enemy who is directing the world’s affairs. The Bible calls Satan the “destroyer” and it is to his voice too many have listened and obeyed.

One area in which Satan has been successful is dividing us as a nation and pitting us against each other. I have written about division before but it seems to have only gotten worse throughout the months since then. Have you noticed most of the strife is on the Right but those on the Left seem to agree more often than not on the liberal agenda and usually work together to see it through? This is all a part of Satan’s diabolical plan because he knows if he can divide the opposition and keep his own on the same page he will be able to achieve his goal. Satan understands what Jesus meant when He said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”  Matthew 12:25 KJV) I pray the GOP will understand as well.
Even the Church is divided on issues and though believers might have disagreement on some issues it is surprising how many have turned their backs on God’s Word in support of abortion, gay marriage and Israel. Christians have allowed politics to influence their beliefs and separate them from the Truth of the Word. For example, the other evening when speaking at an event of Middle Eastern Christians Senator Ted Cruz was booed off of the stage for his support of Israel.

I am not here to judge another for God alone is our Judge but in contemplating these and other issues I have noticed how political ideology has divided the Church. This only proves God Word is Truth “for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” (James 3:16)

Jesus prayed the Father we would all be one (John 17) but throughout Christian history argument and even war has arisen between believers. At times, the Lord’s commandment to love one another has fallen on deaf ears. This needs to change and in these last days when evil seems to be winning we must come together, under the banner our Lord and Savior, and fight against those who are attempting to destroy Christianity and not against each other.
One way to do this is through prayer and opening our hearts to those with whom we don’t always agree. Our central focus should always be our common belief in Jesus Christ because He is our Lord and Savior and it is by His shed Blood we have been redeemed. Jesus is asking each of us; “why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46 KJV) As our King He has commanded us to walk in love so let us humble ourselves and obey. We have much to accomplish but if we are to restore our nation we must begin by searching our own hearts.
Some have compared America’s decline to Rome because our generation has accepted that which our parents would have shunned. Though it is true there are similarities with Rome, there is one huge difference because America was dedicated to God by George Washington on April 30, 1789 and the Lord has not forgotten his prayer. Though some have turned their backs on God and others have done their utmost to push Him out of our society many of us have been diligent in interceding for America at God’s Throne.  


It is in seeking the Lord and putting Him and His Word first we will obtain the wisdom and courage to follow the Lord’s instructions and lead our nation back to the path of righteousness. I’ve heard some say America is not in the Book of Revelation because it is destroyed prior to the Tribulation. However, what if this is misguided and we give up and allow America to be destroyed? Is there anyone who doesn’t believe the enemy of our souls is clever enough to perpetrate lies among us for the sole purpose of gaining advantage over God’s people? I don’t claim to be a Biblical scholar or a prophecy expert but I am a Christian who loves the Lord and who believes: “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  (James 5:16 KJV)

If Satan is able to discourage us, distract us, make us fearful or otherwise keep us focused on the wrong things then he has the ability to thwart God’s plan and pursue his own. As God’s people we cannot allow it to happen and so we must stand for what is right and fight for what we believe. We are the Lord’s earthly Army and Father God’s plan must be ours also. We should neither fear nor hold back. Now is the time to suit up and take the Sword out of its sheath and now is the time to push back demonic forces.

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” (Ephesians 6:10-18 KJV) 

We will then be able to take our nation back for God and ourselves. May the Lord grant us the Awakening for which we pray and may He bless our efforts as He leads us to victory. Amen.

Ronni K. 9/12/2014


Thursday, June 12, 2014


This morning a frined emailed me a Left-wing promotional article. It's so full of lies it's amazing. I started to write a response, and what came out was a sermon. I'm sending it to you all because, first, it's important to know where out nation is spiritually, and second, where I eventually wound up was highly encouraging to me, and I hope it will be to you.

It's not shocking any more, but it's always astonishing - the Left just lies constantly. They live in, think, breathe, dream, and speak a world of lies. I no longer think they realize that they're lying. I think they really, actually, believe their own lies. I believe that they have lost the ability to know truth on any topic.


It's the literal fulfillment of 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12:

"And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

 The first time I contemplated that verse decades ago, I wondered what lie it was "they" were going to believe. I no longer wonder. It's obvious now that they will believe any lie and all lies, ridiculous lies, evil lies, weak lies, obviously false lies, any lie at all. But they will not believe the truth.

We are seeing with our own eyes a literal fulfillment of that Scripture. To me it is a shocking, frightening occurrence. It's a terrible judgment on a people in rebellion against God and against all righteousness. This is the mental and spiritual equivalent of the angels striking the men of Sodom with blindness, and the results are also equivalent: "And [the angels] struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door."


The Sodomites didn't stop trying to fulfill their evil desires. They may even not have known that they were blinded. It was night, after all. In the same way, I think the Left of today no longer has the ability to know that they have been blinded. They were born into a time when lies were becoming more common, and more enthusiastically accepted. They are slowly cooked frogs, as the saying goes.

When I first realized the extent of the Left's lies since November 2008, I was baffled. It took a little time for me to connect what I was seeing to that verse in 2nd Thessalonians. We who believe in King Jesus are so immeasurably fortunate to have escaped the fate of those "who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Imagine not being able to know what's truth and what is a lie. Devastating. You can't build a life or a house or a nation on lies and expect it to endure, let alone be efficient and satisfying.

 We should all fervently, earnestly, thank God for His mercy toward us, which we certainly did not deserve.

 For some reason this morning, the account of Lot and his undeserved deliverance from the fate of Sodom is especially encouraging to me. Maybe that's because yesterday the news was full of extremely foul, evil reports. More and more the Scripture is proven true which says "the whole world lieth in wickedness." The late Dr. Donald Barnhouse said that a better translation of that verse would be, "The whole world lies willingly in the arms of the Evil One." It shows, now more than ever.

 But in the darkness, the Light shines, and we who are believers in King Jesus know that we have chosen to come to the light. And we know that when this world is a fast-fading memory, we will be rejoicing in Heaven with the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace. God speed the Day!

 "We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the Evil One cannot harm them. We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (1st John 5:18-20)


Stay clean, brothers and sisters.


"A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found." (Psalm 37:10)

"Very soon my anger against you will end and my wrath will be directed to their destruction." (Isaiah 10:25)

"For thus says the Lord of Heaven's armies, the God of Israel: 'The Daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor being prepared for the threshing; yet a little while and the time of harvest shall come to her." (Jeremiah 51:33)

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, 'In just a little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay.' " (Hebrews 10:35-37)

This last Scripture is the explanation for my investment strategy. The word "little" in the Greek is "micro", literally meaning "one thousandth part". The word "richly" in the Greek is "mega", literally meaning "one million". I don't think it's stretching things too far to say that after you move the decimal over, this Scripture is promising a billion-to-one return on investment in the Kingdom of God. There is no better investment in the universe. (I checked.)

So I have decided that I belong to the Micro-Mega Investment Corporation. All believers are members. How's your portfolio? Made much of an investment lately?

Yes, this is a commercial. But not for me. :)

Malcolm M. Jr.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The Tea Party is dead, Hillary is your next president, Obamacare is here to stay and the future of America belongs to the Left. No, a thousand times NO! The future belongs to those who know and live the Word of God; to those who believe God and not the media and to those who worship the Lord of Heaven not the “god of this world”. The Bible is clear on who wins and if you don’t believe me read the back of the Book. 

For too long we, as Christians, have allowed others to discourage us, depress us and even taunt us to where we have been afraid to stand, to be counted and to do what the Lord has told us to do; occupy until He comes. Did you ever ask yourself why you allow the world to dictate how you feel? I have, and thought why should I believe someone I don’t trust over Someone who I know is faithful, has answered my prayers and has protected my family like only the Lord can?

Therefore, what is my problem? Is it lack of faith? If so, then it’s high time for me to sit before someone who knows how to preach the Word because “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. (Rom. 10:17 KJV)

Could it be a lack of courage? If so, then it is time to meditate in the Word: “Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them. Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:6-9 KJV)


Am I spending too much time dwelling on myself, my problems and my own inadequacies? If so, then I must renew my mind as written in Romans 12: 2 “and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”. Whatever the reason I have allowed these things to occur I have been a believer long enough to know not only does God’s Word have every answer but the Word is always my answer because Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God!  

Sometimes I think about the Founders and all which they had to endure to give us a nation steeped in liberty and Biblical principles and I wonder what they would think if they walked among us today. Though they may be dismayed at what they hear coming out of our halls of government and the White House I also believe they would be heartened to know how many of us not only revere what they gave to us but also that we are willing to fight to preserve it. 

My fellow patriots we must never give up on God, our nation or ourselves because the Lord and those who went before and who will come after us are depending upon our generation to turn our nation back to God and our founding principles. May we be as faithful to our cause as our forefathers were to establish this “one nation under God” as the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. 


If I had a platform and could speak to the American people I know what I would say. I would enjoin everyone never to fear but to have faith in God because He is bigger than any problem we or our nation will ever face. I would tell them to stand strong because if we are on God’s side there is nothing that can destroy us. There is none greater, nor with more power and strength than He who sits on the Throne. I would also tell them to trust God because He IS Love and Love never fails.

Abraham Lincoln said it well: “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side. For God is always right.” It would behoove us to listen to our 16th president because this is the road to victory.



Saturday, April 19, 2014

Why Try to Earn What Has Already Been Freely Given

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 9.41.27 AM
Easter is just about here.  Even without the calendar showing the most important Christian Holy day, it’s usually easier to tell when Easter is close because of an increase in Anti-Christian news, Jesus Conspiracy theories or political theologies.  So far, I’ve not seen any overly blasphemous stories as I have in the past, but plenty of folks talking about their versions of Christ or theological beliefs, such as a recent segment with Bill O’Reilly talking about whether there is life after death where he stated more than a few times that one has to earn their way into heaven.
This is a popular misconception, because it’s hard to accept such a simple message of the Gospel, that faith in the Grace of God’s freely given salvation is all there is to it.  There are plenty of arguments which try and prove that one must do good works, but the fact is, if one knows the Bible, no matter how many works we can do, none of those will ever be enough to earn our own way. If that was the case, then Jesus never would have died on the cross for the rest of us. Faith in His gift and trust in Him is all that is required to enter Heaven, the works we do once we’re saved will be tested, but our works are not the basis of our Salvation, we continue doing works once we’re saved, but they are for Him, not us.
Unsaved people do good things all the time, I used to do good before I was saved, but I know anything that I did, no matter how good, would never be good enough to match what Jesus already did. Faith is simple, but not easy. But a sincere faith and trust in Jesus is all that is required.  If this was not so, the thief on the cross never would have had the promise that Jesus Himself gave, “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
Did the thief have time to do works? No, but he did recognize Who Jesus is, and acknowledged that Jesus was sinless, yet taking on punishment for sins of others. He recognized Jesus as the Son of God and stated it publically, and asked out of simple faith to remember him when Jesus came into His Kingdom.
Biblical Christianity is different than any other religion, philosophy or ideology.  Pastor Jeffress was Bill O’Reilly’s guest for that segment, and a quote he said years ago is still true, “Every religion in the world except Christianity is spelled ‘D-O,’ only Christianity is spelled ‘D-O-N-E.’”
I read a second story, about Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City Mayor, who told the New York Times,I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven.”
This is similar to those who believe they can or must earn their way into heaven with good works.  Yet the former mayor’s words are so much more of a wide belief among seculars- that they don’t know for sure if there is a god and are often the same people often times who mock Christians beliefs saying “My god would never…”

Read the rest of this article here:
Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 9.41.27 AM
Easter is just about here.  Even without the calendar showing the most important Christian Holy day, it’s usually easier to tell when Easter is close because of an increase in Anti-Christian news, Jesus Conspiracy theories or political theologies.  So far, I’ve not seen any overly blasphemous stories as I have in the past, but plenty of folks talking about their versions of Christ or theological beliefs, such as a recent segment with Bill O’Reilly talking about whether there is life after death where he stated more than a few times that one has to earn their way into heaven.
This is a popular misconception, because it’s hard to accept such a simple message of the Gospel, that faith in the Grace of God’s freely given salvation is all there is to it.  There are plenty of arguments which try and prove that one must do good works, but the fact is, if one knows the Bible, no matter how many works we can do, none of those will ever be enough to earn our own way. If that was the case, then Jesus never would have died on the cross for the rest of us. Faith in His gift and trust in Him is all that is required to enter Heaven, the works we do once we’re saved will be tested, but our works are not the basis of our Salvation, we continue doing works once we’re saved, but they are for Him, not us.
Unsaved people do good things all the time, I used to do good before I was saved, but I know anything that I did, no matter how good, would never be good enough to match what Jesus already did. Faith is simple, but not easy. But a sincere faith and trust in Jesus is all that is required.  If this was not so, the thief on the cross never would have had the promise that Jesus Himself gave, “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
Did the thief have time to do works? No, but he did recognize Who Jesus is, and acknowledged that Jesus was sinless, yet taking on punishment for sins of others. He recognized Jesus as the Son of God and stated it publically, and asked out of simple faith to remember him when Jesus came into His Kingdom.
Biblical Christianity is different than any other religion, philosophy or ideology.  Pastor Jeffress was Bill O’Reilly’s guest for that segment, and a quote he said years ago is still true, “Every religion in the world except Christianity is spelled ‘D-O,’ only Christianity is spelled ‘D-O-N-E.’”
I read a second story, about Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City Mayor, who told the New York Times,I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven.”
This is similar to those who believe they can or must earn their way into heaven with good works.  Yet the former mayor’s words are so much more of a wide belief among seculars- that they don’t know for sure if there is a god and are often the same people often times who mock Christians beliefs saying “My god would never…”

Read the rest of this article here:
Easter is just about here.  Even without the calendar showing the most important Christian Holy day, it’s usually easier to tell when Easter is close because of an increase in Anti-Christian news, Jesus Conspiracy theories or political theologies.  So far, I’ve not seen any overly blasphemous stories as I have in the past, but plenty of folks talking about their versions of Christ or theological beliefs, such as a recent segment with Bill O’Reilly talking about whether there is life after death where he stated more than a few times that one has to earn their way into heaven.
This is a popular misconception, because it’s hard to accept such a simple message of the Gospel, that faith in the Grace of God’s freely given salvation is all there is to it.  There are plenty of arguments which try and prove that one must do good works, but the fact is, if one knows the Bible, no matter how many works we can do, none of those will ever be enough to earn our own way. If that was the case, then Jesus never would have died on the cross for the rest of us. Faith in His gift and trust in Him is all that is required to enter Heaven, the works we do once we’re saved will be tested, but our works are not the basis of our Salvation, we continue doing works once we’re saved, but they are for Him, not us.
Unsaved people do good things all the time, I used to do good before I was saved, but I know anything that I did, no matter how good, would never be good enough to match what Jesus already did. Faith is simple, but not easy. But a sincere faith and trust in Jesus is all that is required.  If this was not so, the thief on the cross never would have had the promise that Jesus Himself gave, “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
Did the thief have time to do works? No, but he did recognize Who Jesus is, and acknowledged that Jesus was sinless, yet taking on punishment for sins of others. He recognized Jesus as the Son of God and stated it publically, and asked out of simple faith to remember him when Jesus came into His Kingdom.
Biblical Christianity is different than any other religion, philosophy or ideology.  Pastor Jeffress was Bill O’Reilly’s guest for that segment, and a quote he said years ago is still true, “Every religion in the world except Christianity is spelled ‘D-O,’ only Christianity is spelled ‘D-O-N-E.’”
I read a second story, about Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City Mayor, who told the New York Times,I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven.”
This is similar to those who believe they can or must earn their way into heaven with good works.  Yet the former mayor’s words are so much more of a wide belief among seculars- that they don’t know for sure if there is a god and are often the same people often times who mock Christians beliefs saying “My god would never…”

Read the rest of this article here:
Easter is just about here.  Even without the calendar showing the most important Christian Holy day, it’s usually easier to tell when Easter is close because of an increase in Anti-Christian news, Jesus Conspiracy theories or political theologies.  So far, I’ve not seen any overly blasphemous stories as I have in the past, but plenty of folks talking about their versions of Christ or theological beliefs, such as a recent segment with Bill O’Reilly talking about whether there is life after death where he stated more than a few times that one has to earn their way into heaven.
This is a popular misconception, because it’s hard to accept such a simple message of the Gospel, that faith in the Grace of God’s freely given salvation is all there is to it.  There are plenty of arguments which try and prove that one must do good works, but the fact is, if one knows the Bible, no matter how many works we can do, none of those will ever be enough to earn our own way. If that was the case, then Jesus never would have died on the cross for the rest of us. Faith in His gift and trust in Him is all that is required to enter Heaven, the works we do once we’re saved will be tested, but our works are not the basis of our Salvation, we continue doing works once we’re saved, but they are for Him, not us. 

Unsaved people do good things all the time, I used to do good before I was saved, but I know anything that I did, no matter how good, would never be good enough to match what Jesus already did. Faith is simple, but not easy. But a sincere faith and trust in Jesus is all that is required.  If this was not so, the thief on the cross never would have had the promise that Jesus Himself gave, “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” 
Did the thief have time to do works? No, but he did recognize Who Jesus is, and acknowledged that Jesus was sinless, yet taking on punishment for sins of others. He recognized Jesus as the Son of God and stated it publically, and asked out of simple faith to remember him when Jesus came into His Kingdom.
Biblical Christianity is different than any other religion, philosophy or ideology.  Pastor Jeffress was Bill O’Reilly’s guest for that segment, and a quote he said years ago is still true, "Every religion in the world except Christianity is spelled 'D-O,' only Christianity is spelled 'D-O-N-E.'"
I read a second story, about Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City Mayor, who told the New York Times,I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven.”
This is similar to those who believe they can or must earn their way into heaven with good works.  Yet the former mayor’s words are so much more of a wide belief among seculars- that they don’t know for sure if there is a god and are often the same people often times who mock Christians beliefs saying “My god would never…”
Read the rest of the original article at PolitiChicks.TV

Sunday, April 6, 2014


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5, 6


I have been pondering many things lately and one of them is how we, as Christians, can take our country back while still remaining Christ-like. It seems an impossible task considering the great gulf between liberal and conservative thought and the animosity among those of different political persuasions. However, our God has said nothing is impossible so I will hold to His promise that He will show us the way.

It is now April and we are in the midst of primary season. Though pundits are saying Republicans have an excellent opportunity to win both the House and the Senate this November it does not assure us we will elect godly men and women. All Republicans are not alike and even conservatives are split on social issues so we must choose wisely. However, by what criteria do we decide?

The economy, jobs and healthcare have been at the top of every poll and survey I’ve seen recently. News reports tell us the economy is getting better, yet there are many Americans out of work, and even more who have stopped looking for a job. We are also learning the Obamacare numbers reported by the president are as much of a lie as his promise we could keep our doctor and our health insurance plan. The not so surprising result is now few Americans trust their leaders, their government, either political party or anyone with a divergent opinion.

The current state of affairs is sad indeed but it does not have to be the end of the American dream. Politics today is a lying business and too many on the stump remind me of the perfume ad I saw many years ago: “Promise her anything but give her ________”. They promise what they think we want, with the sole intent of doing what they want, and then try to weasel out of their “promise” with another lie.

One day as I was praying the Lord showed me the difference between the words Word and World is the letter “L” which stands for lies. There is little truth in the world because Satan runs the system and Jesus said Satan “is a liar and the father of it. (John 8:44 KJV)  Okay, so lies in politics are to be expected, but with so many of our politicians claiming Jesus as Lord and Savior and in a nation where most call themselves a Christian, it is rather befuddling to think we have become a secular humanist society which forgives lies and punishes the truth.

Some say truth is “relative” but relative as to what? Is truth relative only in the generation it is spoken or in the language it is uttered? No, because there is only one God who is truth and as Jesus said, “thy word is truth”. (John 17:17 KJV) Therefore truth, like our God, is eternal and never changes. It is written:

“Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89 KJV)

Unfortunately, the world has convinced many if a lie is repeated long enough or it is believed by enough people, it becomes the truth. Throughout the centuries, many have been fooled by this demonic strategy and many, including some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, are being led down this same road today. This is not a judgment but an acknowledgment that the unrighteous will continue to be elected and will use their power to ensure ungodly behavior is the law of the land unless Christians know the Word and are able to recognize the world’s deceptions as lies.


Let’s return to my original question. How do we decide which candidates to support and by whose criteria; the Word or the world? When the Word and the world are at odds on social issues with whom do we side? Most Christians will say they don’t believe in abortion or gay marriage, but when Election Day arrives will they vote according to their conscience or their wallet?

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Romans 6:16 KJV)

In the Old Testament the reason Israel found themselves under the boot of many an oppressor is because they began to worship false gods. Today government seems to be the idol worshipped and the entity to which many bow in order to get their daily sustenance. There is neither harm nor shame if one needs help in seeking government assistance, but on whom do we rely to provide for our needs; the Word or the world?

Let’s be honest. The responsibility for our nation’s current state of affairs lies at the feet of the Body of Christ, who has compromised their faith for the world’s ways and rationalized it with the world’s thoughts. However, it should be our concern whether godly people lead us and serve us in government.

Every Christian knows we will be judged by our God for every thought, word and deed and voting is a deed for which we will answer. The Lord isn’t going to ask why we liked this or that policy but we will be held to account for choosing death and abomination over life and His Word. I could be wrong but I don’t think “it is none of my business what someone else does” will be an acceptable response.

Since the Lord has left the decision up to us and it is my desire to hear the Lord say “well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:23 KJV) I will make a decision according to His Word.

We are now less than two weeks away from the celebration of our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection and, perhaps, it is in meditating these things I am thinking about living my life in Him and through Him. This encompasses every area of life for no matter where I am the Lord is with me, even in the voting booth. Therefore, I will vote with Jesus but how will I know who He would vote for? Quite simply, I will pray and ask. I pray you do also. Maybe then we can have our country back. Amen.

"Blessed is the nation whose god is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12 KJV)


Ronni K. 4/6/14


Saturday, March 1, 2014


This article is directed to Christians. The rest of you are welcome to listen in, but there is a reason that this letter is addressed specifically to Christians.

Among several other severe crises, we have a huge illegal immigration problem. I'm going to speak in generalities now, so don't accuse me of being racist. I'm not including all illegal immigrants under the following description. But when you see a pattern repeated year after year, and intensifying, it is appropriate and useful to speak in generalities.

Many illegal immigrants are criminals. Some are terrorists from Mideastern countries. Many are not all that civilized. Many do not have any intention of assimilating. They bring with them elements of their culture that are dangerous, harmful, unpleasant, repellent. They bring with them lice and bedbugs. They take from and do not contribute to our society. (With the eager assistance of democrats.)

They often, of necessity, drive without insurance or driver's license. They're often dangerous drivers, because they've never or rarely driven a car before coming to America. Some rob, rape, assault, and murder Americans. Some are members of deadly gangs like MS13. Many live outside the law completely, except for the benefits they sign up for. A law enforcement officer told me that Latinos often rent one address and live at another. That way they are never home when law enforcement comes calling. Groups of "American citizens" like La Raza are extremely hostile to white Americans, and have become bolder and more openly threatening as the percentage of Latinos in their area increases.

I could go on. You get my point. There are good reasons to fear illegal immigrants and illegal immigration. Another reason is their sheer numbers. Estimates range from 10 million to 40 million. They are drowning our culture by their numbers. "Press one for English."

So what do we do? As regular Scoopers know, I have been one of those who advocate sealing the border and deporting every illegal alien, along with anchor
babies and chain immigrants. You broke the law, tough luck, you're outta here.

But a different thought occurred forcefully to me last night as I was talking to a friend. This friend is an ESL teacher, and has contact with at least one illegal alien who is in difficult circumstances. She was describing this particluar illegal's story. I've heard this kind of story before. A lot of illegal aliens aren't criminals. They were living lives of desperation and fear and severe deprivation, and they risked their lives to escape. They are doing very much the same thing my ancestors did. They just want to live in safety, to have enough to eat, to have hope for the future.

We react out of fear - reasonable fear, a just fear - and we consult only our human resources, and we come up with ... another Civil War?

Would we win?

It's not just the millions of illegals we'd have to fight. It's also DHS with their 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and their assault rifles, most law enforcement officers, most of the military that happens to be stateside, and the army of snitches and collaborators the socialist 47% would provide. And the drones and the communications network.

And a contemptible, detestable tyrant in the White House who for five years has been trying to provoke a war with the Right so he can get rid of us swiftly and permanently, and establish himself as the 12th Imam.

We are also carrying the guilt of fifty million babies murdered in their mothers' wombs, and many other sins multiplied many thousand times over. Guilt does matter, folks. Unrepented sins or innocence decide whether God helps and protects a nation or not.

I'm an old man with no dependents. It's easy for me to be defiant and go out shooting. I would prefer that to any other way that I can think of.

That I can think of.

Is there no other way to deal with the problem of illegal immigrants and immigration?

What about God's way?

You don't know what God's way is? Neither do I. Have you asked Him?

Honestly, I don't want to ask Him. But how can I not? I am a Christian. He is my God. Frankly, I could use a little support here, brothers and sisters.

I'm afraid He'll answer, and His answer will be something I don't like. Such as,
"If, however, any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon or bow its neck under his yoke, I will punish that nation with the sword, famine and plague, declares the Lord, until I destroy it by his hand. So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your interpreters of dreams, your mediums or your sorcerers who tell you, ‘You will not serve the king of Babylon.’ They prophesy lies to you that will only serve to remove you far from your lands; I will banish you and you will perish. But if any nation will bow its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will let that nation remain in its own land to till it and to live there, declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 27:12-15; emphasis added)

I'm a man. I'm an American man. The idea of submission to invaders is repulsive to me. Words like "quisling", "girly-man", and "coward" come to mind. But God is infinite in power and wisdom. He can easily do things we can't imagine in ways we would never think of.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21; emphasis added)

I think that phrase "to Him be glory "in the church" means, "God to Church: you have a responsibility as Christians to glorify My Son and Myself, even in the dangerous and discomforting situation you are in now."

These thoughts may be just an echo in my brain. One Christian with an idea may be just an idiot. But if it is God Who is communicating the idea, it seems to me that other believers should be thinking along the same lines:
"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:19-20)

If any of you have been spoken to by the Holy Spirit about this, I would appreciate hearing from you. But don't delay. The math and the clock are against us.
I'm listening. Anyone?
Posted by Lawngren 3/1/ 2014