Sunday, April 6, 2014


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5, 6


I have been pondering many things lately and one of them is how we, as Christians, can take our country back while still remaining Christ-like. It seems an impossible task considering the great gulf between liberal and conservative thought and the animosity among those of different political persuasions. However, our God has said nothing is impossible so I will hold to His promise that He will show us the way.

It is now April and we are in the midst of primary season. Though pundits are saying Republicans have an excellent opportunity to win both the House and the Senate this November it does not assure us we will elect godly men and women. All Republicans are not alike and even conservatives are split on social issues so we must choose wisely. However, by what criteria do we decide?

The economy, jobs and healthcare have been at the top of every poll and survey I’ve seen recently. News reports tell us the economy is getting better, yet there are many Americans out of work, and even more who have stopped looking for a job. We are also learning the Obamacare numbers reported by the president are as much of a lie as his promise we could keep our doctor and our health insurance plan. The not so surprising result is now few Americans trust their leaders, their government, either political party or anyone with a divergent opinion.

The current state of affairs is sad indeed but it does not have to be the end of the American dream. Politics today is a lying business and too many on the stump remind me of the perfume ad I saw many years ago: “Promise her anything but give her ________”. They promise what they think we want, with the sole intent of doing what they want, and then try to weasel out of their “promise” with another lie.

One day as I was praying the Lord showed me the difference between the words Word and World is the letter “L” which stands for lies. There is little truth in the world because Satan runs the system and Jesus said Satan “is a liar and the father of it. (John 8:44 KJV)  Okay, so lies in politics are to be expected, but with so many of our politicians claiming Jesus as Lord and Savior and in a nation where most call themselves a Christian, it is rather befuddling to think we have become a secular humanist society which forgives lies and punishes the truth.

Some say truth is “relative” but relative as to what? Is truth relative only in the generation it is spoken or in the language it is uttered? No, because there is only one God who is truth and as Jesus said, “thy word is truth”. (John 17:17 KJV) Therefore truth, like our God, is eternal and never changes. It is written:

“Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89 KJV)

Unfortunately, the world has convinced many if a lie is repeated long enough or it is believed by enough people, it becomes the truth. Throughout the centuries, many have been fooled by this demonic strategy and many, including some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, are being led down this same road today. This is not a judgment but an acknowledgment that the unrighteous will continue to be elected and will use their power to ensure ungodly behavior is the law of the land unless Christians know the Word and are able to recognize the world’s deceptions as lies.


Let’s return to my original question. How do we decide which candidates to support and by whose criteria; the Word or the world? When the Word and the world are at odds on social issues with whom do we side? Most Christians will say they don’t believe in abortion or gay marriage, but when Election Day arrives will they vote according to their conscience or their wallet?

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Romans 6:16 KJV)

In the Old Testament the reason Israel found themselves under the boot of many an oppressor is because they began to worship false gods. Today government seems to be the idol worshipped and the entity to which many bow in order to get their daily sustenance. There is neither harm nor shame if one needs help in seeking government assistance, but on whom do we rely to provide for our needs; the Word or the world?

Let’s be honest. The responsibility for our nation’s current state of affairs lies at the feet of the Body of Christ, who has compromised their faith for the world’s ways and rationalized it with the world’s thoughts. However, it should be our concern whether godly people lead us and serve us in government.

Every Christian knows we will be judged by our God for every thought, word and deed and voting is a deed for which we will answer. The Lord isn’t going to ask why we liked this or that policy but we will be held to account for choosing death and abomination over life and His Word. I could be wrong but I don’t think “it is none of my business what someone else does” will be an acceptable response.

Since the Lord has left the decision up to us and it is my desire to hear the Lord say “well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:23 KJV) I will make a decision according to His Word.

We are now less than two weeks away from the celebration of our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection and, perhaps, it is in meditating these things I am thinking about living my life in Him and through Him. This encompasses every area of life for no matter where I am the Lord is with me, even in the voting booth. Therefore, I will vote with Jesus but how will I know who He would vote for? Quite simply, I will pray and ask. I pray you do also. Maybe then we can have our country back. Amen.

"Blessed is the nation whose god is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12 KJV)


Ronni K. 4/6/14


1 comment:

  1. "The responsibility for our nation’s current state of affairs lies at the feet of the Body of Christ, who has compromised their faith for the world’s ways and rationalized it with the world’s thoughts."

    that may not be a popular diagnosis, and it's surely not a pleasant one, but it is 100% accurate, IMO. Thank you for saying so. Truth, however painful, is preferable to a beautiful lie.
