Friday, July 3, 2015


I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” 
(Deut. 30:19 KJV)

On Friday, June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States of America changed the spiritual direction of the nation. Without consideration for God or His Word they shredded the moral fabric of the nation and discarded the ages old definition of marriage by a vote of 5 to 4 with Justice Anthony Kennedy writing the majority opinion. One of the most disconcerting things about the decision is that it was based upon emotion and political opinion rather than the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Since everyone by now has read the opinion and those of legal scholars I will not repeat what anyone has said. I will also not discuss what has been said by so many Christian leaders about the abomination which has taken place. However, I will ask everyone a question which I have asked myself; but more on that later.
When I first heard the decision I was angry and couldn't seem to get rid of the negative emotions I had about so many. However, I knew I couldn't carry these around with me or I’d risk separation from the Lord so I repented and asked God to help me to sort it out. Always faithful the Lord did but I will leave that discussion between God and me. One thing I did see from spending time with the Lord was I really wasn't angry with gays or lesbians but with an agenda brought into the earth straight from the pit of Hell.
Never did I think I would see the day when religious liberty in America might become an endangered species. However, since the country has been placed on the fast track to Perdition it only makes sense to be a godless nation. God, His Commandments and anything which reminds people of their sinful behavior and their need of a Savior must be stripped from society so people can fulfill their lusts without reservation.
Personally, I don’t have to ask how we've come to this point in time because I've watched it, talked about it and tried to warn people. I know many others have also but in a society where pleasure is paramount and people’s senses have been dulled by the media it has become increasingly difficult to get them to listen. However, pleasure is far from the only reason and many have grown weary from carrying the burdens an increasingly tyrannical government has placed upon them. In other words, some don’t care about the fight while others have grown tired, have given up and laid down their God given weapons.
Some have said the fault for the nation’s decline must be laid at the feet of the Body of Christ. Though I tend to agree I will leave it to others to expound on this subject. One thing I have noticed is the more the Church has agreed with the world the more the world has pushed Christians to the back of the bus and, in some cases, have thrown them off and put the bus in reverse and run over them. The worst part is the Christians are waiting at the next bus stop to repeat the process.
As someone who has a political bent I often comment on websites, both secular and Christian. To be honest, though people can be rude in expressing their political viewpoint, some on the Christian websites are just as rude and unloving toward others with whom they disagree about Scripture. Jesus prayed that we would be one in Him and commanded us to walk in love with one another. Lest I be judgmental I will say no more except this kind of behavior cannot and will not help us to do what has to be done in these last days.
Where I do see the Church responsible for our nation’s decline is in the voting process. Some don’t bother to even go to the polls while others vote the world over the Word. If we don’t vote to elect godly men and women how can we expect godly leadership? It is written in Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” so if the wicked are in authority we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I don’t think I have to recount the last six and a half years to prove the wicked are in charge. America is no longer feared by our enemies and respected by our friends. As a nation we have abandoned Israel and dismissed God’s warning to those who do and we have even sided with Israel’s enemies and those who call us the Great Satan. The President has taken authority which does not belong to him, the Congress has abdicated authority which does belong to them and the Supreme Court has taken away our authority and deemed themselves rulers instead of judges.
The nation is more divided than ever, hate is more prevalent and lies are accepted as truth if it helps put forth an agenda. The wrongs of slavery and past racism which were being healed and corrected are now again an open wound, festering with anger and hatred and made so by those with a political agenda to divide, disrupt and destroy. While the purveyors of so called Social Justice claim inequality there is none with the courage to stand and rebut them because of the fear of being called names. No more are there leaders who work to solve problems and neither major political party cares about the American people, only about filling their own pockets and those of the lobbyists to whom they pay homage.
Fortunately, it won’t be long until the next Presidential election rolls around and many have chosen to throw their hat in the ring. With over a year to go voters are already choosing their favorite man or woman and are sending money to support their candidacy. Some have suggested if the current administration has its way the election will be suspended and the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will remain. That, of course, has never happened before but then again the wicked have never had such control of our government until now. As Christians we must pray against this and seek God’s mercy that we might have the opportunity to put someone godly in the Oval Office so that we might return the country to righteousness before God.
What a fine mess we are in and while the media and the politicians think they have the answers they don’t because the roots are not laid in the earth but in Hell beneath. Some in the Church have preached national repentance and of course it is ever necessary to confess our sins before the Lord. Others have been praying for an Awakening and I count myself among them but neither of these is the entire answer if our focus is on ourselves and our world instead of God because the answer lies only in God and in His Word.
Bible prophecy is very popular these days and the subject of whether America survives has become a major discussion point. I’m not here to debate the issue but to help others understand whether America survives is dependent upon whom we trust, who we fear and who we obey; God or government. It is written in 1 Sam. 15:22 “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams”. However, without fearing God we will not obey Him and without knowing God we will not trust Him.
Jesus told us we would be persecuted and also said if the world hated Him it would hate us also. The persecution of Christians, even in this nation, has been deemed acceptable and with the ruling on gay marriage we can expect persecution to increase and our religious liberty to decrease. It is going to take courage and commitment on our part if we are going to have any hope of taking back our nation.
In thinking and praying about it I wondered if Jesus were in our shoes what He would do. Perhaps, the Gospels can give us a glimpse. Jesus never wavered from His commitment to the Father and ever trusted God no matter how difficult the situation. Our Savior was perfect in obedience and it is through His obedience we were saved. Therefore, if we are praying and asking God to save our nation I will ask you the question I asked myself. Are you, like Jesus, willing to fear, trust and obey God regardless of the cost to save America? Think about it. The Lord awaits our answers.


Posted by R.K. July 3,2015

1 comment:

  1. A calm, rational post that is dead on! As a conservative Christian, I am very disappointed that seems gay marriage will now be allowed throughout the U.S. But I wonder in my mind and my heart, why is this where so many are drawing their line in the sand? Why didn't we at the sexual revolution? Why not at the murder of the unborn? Sin is sin and all sin separates us from God's presence. If Christians are to make a difference, first we must clean up our act and believe the whole Word of God. A year ago, the little church I belong to scheduled to hold revival starting July 5th of this year. I know God knew what was coming and my prayer is that true revival can begin here, with me and members of our little church. And in other little churches all across our land. And that God will fan the flames of all those small fires until the whole nation is ablaze with the light of the Holy Spirit.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
